The leading Law Firm of Cyber crime cases is Voice of Justice has, who have dealt with numerous Cyber Crime cases lately.
With the growth of the internet, wired and wireless networks, web cameras, and the easy availability of information, smart phones, and tablets, opportunities for computer-based crime are growing, and law enforcement is devoting increasing resources to these cases. Commonly referred to as Cyber Crime, these violations involve activity where a computer or network is the source, tool, target, or place of a crime. Also on the rise are false allegations of cyber stalking, snooping, and improper access to personal information. Too often, “online relationships” that result in hurt feelings lead to allegations of impropriety and sometimes criminal prosecutions. Some of the categories of computer crimes include Identity Theft, Cyber-stalking, Email scams, Phishing, hacking, malware, and denial of service attacks. If charged with a computer crime, you need computer-savvy attorneys who are knowledgeable in computers, as well as the law. Not to mention, the examples or scenarios discussed along side the offenses are only for references and may not be taken into consideration for legal matters.